Sunday, June 17, 2012

New initiative

So I was talking to a good friend the other day and she said she doesn't check my blog anymore because I never post anything. That is true and I completely don't blame her. I continue to read and keep up with other people's blogs but I have had a hard time keeping up with my own.

Well, I am determined to turn over a new leaf. I am in Orlando for a few weeks while Rick takes seminary classes here with CRU. Since I have 2 young-ins I won't be taking any this go round. So I have decided to try to use my time wisely. I want to do some writing here on the blog as well as learn a little sewing. My mother in law is an incredible seamstress and I hope to pick up a few things from her.

So this is my "keep me accountable- blog post" with hopefully more to come!

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